Scientific Events

Speaker: Dr. Katie L. Moore Room: Virtual Lecture Host: Prof. Dierk Raabe Location: online

Localisation of hydrogen and deuterium in metallurgical samples with NanoSIMS

The NanoSIMS is emerging as a powerful tool to study complex problems in materials science. The NanoSIMS is a high-resolution secondary ion mass spectrometry instrument capable of chemical mapping at 100 nm spatial resolution, detection limits in the ppm range and is able to detect almost all elements in the periodic table as well as isotopes. In this seminar I will show how we have been using the NanoSIMS to image localised deuterium in electrochemically charged steel and nickel alloys as well as in zirconium alloys oxidised in an autoclave to simulate nuclear reactor conditions. I will explain how isotopic tracers, such as 18O and deuterium, can be used to avoid imaging artefacts and provide temporal information. Some of the complexities associated with detecting hydrogen and deuterium in the NanoSIMS will be discussed. [more]
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