Scientific Events

Host: Co-Organizer Prof. G. Dehm

Gordon Research Conference “Thin Film and Small Scale Mechanical Behavior”

Gordon Research Conference “Thin Film and Small Scale Mechanical Behavior”

Mini‐symposium “Experimental Micromechanics and Nanomechanics” at the “10th edition of the European Solids Mechanics Conference”

Mini‐symposium “Experimental Micromechanics and Nanomechanics” at the “10th edition of the European Solids Mechanics Conference”

Symposium “Mechanical Properties and Adhesion 45th ICMCTF (International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films)

Symposium “Mechanical Properties and Adhesion 45th ICMCTF (International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films)

Topic day “Novel materials and alloy design - microstructure property relationship” at the Metallkundekolloquium/Arlbergkolloquium

Topic day “Novel materials and alloy design - microstructure property relationship” at the Metallkundekolloquium/Arlbergkolloquium

"Fundamentals of mechanical response" at the Conference on Electronic and Advanced Materials

Fundamentals of mechanical response
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