Region of Knowledge Düsseldorf
Experience the Knowledge Region of Düsseldorf: a place to study, work and live.
A recognizable profile as a knowledge region is a central location factor in the race of attracting the best talents and research-intensive companies. This is why the Max Planck Institute for Sustainable Materials (MPI-SusMat) is a founding member of the association "Wissensregion Düsseldorf e.V." (in English: Knowledge region Düsseldorf). In cooperation with the Heinrich Heine University, the Düsseldorf Chamber of Industry and Commerce and numerous other regional institutions from academia and industry, the MPI-SusMat intends to highlight the importance of Düsseldorf as an attractive research location. The networking of regional players, the improvement of the framework conditions for research and teaching, the exchange of specialists and, above all, the exchange between companies and young talents in study and training, play a central role. The association initiates collaborative projects between its members to open up new perspectives and bundle existing strengths.
One of the already successful projects is the Innovation Semester, which brings together students, trainees and young professionals in joint projects, working together on current issues such as sustainable construction or the efficient measurement of particulate matter. The association also supports international students, scientists and professionals arriving in Düsseldorf. The aim is to bundle existing services and make them more visible. In addition, the members of the Wissensregion, promote the exchange between researchers and professionals of the service and trade sector. Special exchange programmes are designed to link up theory and practice and thus prepare young people from companies, research and academia for current challenges.
The Wissensregion Düsseldorf will be a driving force in establishing Düsseldorf as an important location of research.
The MPI-SusMat also cooperates with regional, national and international research institutions and industrial partners. More information can be found on the respective project pages.