Successfully applied for the competition “NanoMatFutur” arranged by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. She now has the opportunity to lead her own research group about the optimisation of solar cells based on 3D chemical analysis on the atomic scale.
Björn Lange, Josef Meier and Albert Glensk(from the left)
They participated in this year’s 62nd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting.
Christiane Jacobs
Received the Azubipreis of the Max Planck Society as the best trainee in material testing in the region Duisburg and Solingen 2011.
Dr. Fritz Körmann
Was awarded the Otto Hahn Medal for his dissertation titled ‘Magnetic systems studied by first-principles thermodynamics’ at the University of Paderborn.
Dr. Sumantra Mandal
From the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (India) received an Alexander von Humboldt Scholarship and works on the evaluation of the 3D interfacial segregation behaviour using site specific local electrode atom probe tomography and 3D EBSD-EDX studies.
Dr. Ross Marceau
From the University of Sydney (Australia) received a fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and chose the MPIE for his research project on the relationship between the atomic structure of TWIP steels and their mechanical properties.
Prof. Dr. Jörg Neugebauer
Head of the department ‘Computational Materials Design’, was elected into the review board 302 “Chemical solid state and surface research” of the DFG.
Dr. Sang Yong Shin
Korean grantee of a scholarship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, works on deformation and fracture mechanisms in high strength Fe-Mn-Al-C light weight TRIPLEX steels.
Natalie Tillack
Completed her Master thesis about first-principles investigations of oxide dispersion strengthened steels at the University of Bochum with an excellent result.
Dr.-Ing. Han Zhang
From the Tsinghua University (China) received a stipend from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and works on the super plasticity of ultrahigh strength steels and their performance optimisation.