Scientist at the MPIE

Dr. Paraskevas Kontis works as a postdoctoral researcher in the group “Atom Probe tomography” since 2016. He focuses on hydrogen embrit-tlement in engineering alloys, damage and crack initiation mechanisms in superalloys and the relationship between grain boundaries and me-chanical performance at elevated temperatures in superalloys. Thereby he uses atom probe tomography as a tool to understand deformation mechanisms at high performance materials, which allows to design strategies for the development of materials exhibiting enhanced performance.
Selected Publications:

Dr. Dirk Ponge is head of the group “Alloy Design and thermomechanical Processing”. His group’s mission is the optimization of properties of novel complex engineering steels through a detailed characterization and interpretation of materials’ microstructures and through advanced ways of thermomechanical processing. Coupling alloy design strategies with processing enables to influence bulk phase transformations, precipitates and grain refinement mechanisms. Application fields are for example medium and high manganese and dual phase steels for lightweight automotive design. The group is also investigating mechanisms of hydrogen embrittlement in high strength alloys. the mission here is to create tailored microstructures providing high strength but with a low sensitivity against hydrogen embrittlement. Before joining the MPIE in 2001, Ponge did his PhD at the RWTH Aachen in the field of dynamic recrystallization of Ni3Al. After that he was head of the materials testing department at the schweißtechnische Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt Nord in Hamburg where he also was involved in training of welding engineers.
Selected Publications: