Awards & Achievements

Lamya Abdellaoui

Lamya Abdellaoui

Doctoral student in the group “Nanoanalytics and Interfaces”, won the Best Oral Communication Award at the 1st International Meeting on Alternative and Green Energies (IMAGE18).

Gerhard Dehm

Prof. Gerhard Dehm

Director and head of the department “Structure and Nano-/Microme-chanics of Materials”, received an Advanced Grant of 2.5 million euros by the European Research Council for his research project on correlating grain boundary phase transformations and material properties

Poulumi Dey

Dr. Poulumi Dey

Postdoctoral researcher in the group “Computational Phase Studies” won one of two Best Poster Awards at the 3rd International Conference on Metals and Hydrogen “SteelyHydrogen2018”.

Haidong Fan

Prof. Haidong Fan

From China, received a research fellowship from the Alexander von Hum-boldt Foundation and is now working in the department “Microstructure Physics and Alloy Design”.

Simon Geiger

Dr. Simon Geiger

Scientist in the group “Electrocatalysis”, was awarded the prize of the German Chemical Society (GDCh) for his dissertation titled “Stability investigations of iridium-based catalysts towards acidic water splitting”.

Tilmann Hickel

Dr. Tilmann Hickel

head of the group "Computational Phase Studies", won the Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing by Acta Materialia and Scripta Materialia.

Christoph Kirchlechner

Dr. Christoph Kirchlechner

Head of the group “Nano-/ Micromechanics of Materials”, won the Certificate of Excel-lence in Reviewing by Acta Materialia and Scripta Materialia.

Zirong Peng

Dr. Zirong Peng

Postdoctoral researcher in the group “Atom Probe Tomography”, was honoured with the “2017 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Selffinanced Students Abroad”.

Cigdem Toparli

Dr. Cigdem Toparli

Formerly doctoral student in the group “Interface Spectroscopy” and now at the Massachusetts Institute for Tech-nology, won the Young Author Prize of the Oronzio and Niccolò de Nora Foundation for her publication “In situ and operando observation of surface oxides during oxygen evolution reaction on copper” published in Electrochimica Acta 236, 104-115 (2017

Fengkai Yan

Dr. Fengkai Yan

From China, received a research fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and is now working in the group “Alloy Design and Thermomechanical Processing”.

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