Two MPIE scientists joined this year's Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting
Nicolas Peter, doctoral student in the department “Structure and Nano- / Micromechanics of Materials”, and Dr. Alisson Kwiatkowski da Silva, postdoctoral researcher in the department “Microstructure Physics and Alloy Design”, were invited to join the 69th Nobel Laureate Meeting, which took place from 30th of June to 5th of July 2019 in Lindau at Lake Constance, Germany. Peter and Kwiatkowski da Silva were two of 580 young scientists who had the opportunity to share their knowledge, ideas and experiences with 42 Laureates.
The aim of the meeting is to foster scientific exchange and discourse among scientist from different generations, cultures and disciplines. The council of the meeting selected Peter and Kwiatowski da Silva in a multi-stage international selection process involving 200 scientific institutions worldwide. Both were able to participate in lectures, panel discussions, poster sessions, science walks and master classes during the event.
Since 1951 the Nobel Laureate Meeting takes place once a year in Lindau. The meeting focusses alternately on physiology and medicine, physics and chemistry. An interdisciplinary meeting for all three natural sciences takes place every five years. This year the meeting was dedicated to physics. Core topics were cosmology, laser physics and gravitational waves.