Award for Lamya Abdellaoui at the IMAGE18
Lamya Abdellaoui, doctoral student in the group “Nanoanalytics and Interfaces”, won the Best Oral Communication Award at the “1st International Meeting on Alternative and Green Energies” (IMAGE18). The conference was organised by the “Green Energies and Alternative Moroccan Association” (AMEVA) and took place from the 8th to the 9th of May in Mohammedia, Morocco. Abdellaoui held a talk on the influence of microstructures of silver-antimony-tellurium thermoelectric materials on their performance. These alloys have the ability to convert waste heat into electrical energy for power generation and refrigeration purposes. Therefore, thermoelectric materials are promising candidates when it comes to finding alternatives for sustainable power generation.
At the IMAGE18 scientists from all over the world had the opportunity to present, discuss, and thus, develop their research in the field of green, alternative and renewable energies. Of specific interest was the foundation of one of the biggest solar power plants of the world in Morocco. Furthermore, the meeting laid the foundation for a biennial conference with the aim to provide a platform for exchanging ideas and experiences in the field of green energy and environmental protection. By bringing together researchers from different areas, like engineering, chemistry, electrochemistry, and physics, the meeting thus intents to provide long-term solutions for the development of clean energies and the application of newly invented methods and technologies in this field.