MPIE researchers win the Henry Marion Howe Award
Prof. Dierk Raabe, director atthe MPIE and head of the department “Microstructure Physics and Alloy Design”, and Dr. Michael Herbig, leader of the group “Materials Science of Mechanical Contacts”, were awarded with the Henry Marion Howe Medal for their paper on “Autonomous Filling of Grain-Boundary Cavaties during Creep Loading in Fe-Mo Alloys“. Together with ten fellow researchers from other research organisations, Raabe and Herbig investigated the autonomous repair of creep damage, which occurs in metals and alloys when they are exposed to high temperature for a longer period of time.
Since 1923, the Henry Marion Howe Medal is awarded yearly by the ASM International, in memory of the metallurgist and teacher Henry Marion Howe, who died in 1922. The medal is thus the oldest prize that is given by the organisation. It is awarded to the authors of the best paper published in the journal Metallurgical and Materials Transactions in the year preceding the award.