Prof. Dr. Oliver Gutfleisch

External Group Leader
De magnete - Designing Magnetism on the atomic scale
Department Microstructure Physics and Alloy Design
+49 6151 16 221 40

Main Focus

Fields of research

New permanent magnets for power applications to solid-state energy efficient magnetic cooling, ferromagnetic shape memory alloys, magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applications, solid-state hydrogen storage materials with a particular emphasis on tailoring structural and chemical properties on the nanoscale and their multi-scale characterisation and modelling. Materials are synthesised by advanced processing incl. non-equilibrium, field-assisted, severe plastic deformation and additive manufacturing methods. The criticality of strategic metals for the energy transformation and the resource efficiency on element, process and product levels as well as their recycling.

Curriculum Vitae

Professional career
since 2012            W3 Professor Functional Materials, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany
since 2012            Scientific Manager of Fraunhofer IWKS Division Functional Materials in Hanau, Germany
2008                       Privatdozent, TU Dresden “Materials for Energy Applications”, Germany
2001 – 2011          Group leader “Functional Magnetic Materials and Hydrides“, IFW Dresden, Germany
1998 – 2001          Research fellow, IFW Dresden, Germany
1995 – 1998          Post-doctoral fellow, University of Birmingham, UK
Advanced academic qualifications
2007                     Habilitation, Technical University of Dresden, “Functional Materials”, Germany
1992 – 1995        PhD, School of Metallurgy and Materials, University of Birmingham, UK
University degree and training
1984 – 1991          Diploma in Material Science, Technical University of Berlin, Germany
Awards, Recognition and Experience
2024-2028          DFG Fachkollegium 4.32 Materialwissenschaft -01 Funktionsmaterialien
2024-2027           Speaker of the DFG Cooperate Research Center 270 HoMMage
2023                     Highest Award of the European Magnetism Association for Advancing Magnetism in Europe
2023 - 2026        Coordinator EU Pathfinder Open Project CoCoMag
2023-                    Scientific Advisory Committee of European School of Magnetism
2023-                    Associate Editor Acta Materialia & Scripta Materialia
2022 - 2024         IEEE Fellow Magnetics Society Evaluation Committee
2020-2023           Speaker of the DFG Cooperate Research Center 270 Hommage
2020                      Elevated to IEEE Fellow
2018                     Prize of the German Materials Society (DGM Prize 2018)
2018                     BMWi EXIST Magnotherm Solutions, (spin-off out of the Functional Materials Group)
2018                     Chair of the International Conference on Caloric Cooling (Thermag VIII)
2017                     ERC Advanced Grant “Cool Innov”, April 2017
2017 – 2020        Visiting Professor University of Parma, Italy
2014 - 2017          Coordinator RESPONSE Project within LOEWE Excellence Programme
2016                     Chair of the International Workshop on Rare Earth and Future Permanent Magnets and their Applications
2014 - 2016          Member of the Academic Council of the Technical University of Darmstadt
2011 – 2014         Visiting Professor Chinese Academy of Science, NIMTE Ningbo, China
2011 – 2013         Visiting Professor Imperial College London, UK
2011                      IEEE Magnetics Society Distinguished Lecturer “Magnetic Materials in Sustainable Energy”
1993 – 1995         EU Marie-Curie Individual Fellowship
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