International Workshop on Advanced and In-situ Microscopies of Functional Nanomaterials and Devices, IAMNano 2019
- Start: Oct 27, 2019
- End: Oct 30, 2019
- Location: Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH
- Host: Prof. G. Dehm (MPIE); Dr. C. Liebscher (MPIE); Prof. C. Scheu (MPIE); Dr. B. Völker (RWTH)
- Contact:

The workshop aims to provide a forum for researchers who are interested in applying advanced imaging and spectroscopy methods of electron microscopy, including aberration-corrected, in situ, environmental and low-voltage electron microscopy, to topical issues in materials science and engineering, in nanoscience, in soft matter research, in interface and surface science, and in biomaterials research. As these methods are of fundamental importance in virtually all technological fields, contributions are invited that address the broad spectrum of current materials research. Novel methodological developments will be discussed as well as topical areas of research on thin films, bulk materials, surfaces, materials at the nanoscale and at the interface between the physical and life sciences, for understanding structure‐property relationships of materials, as well as for metrology. Selected topics will be introduced by invited keynote speakers during the plenary sessions. A poster session provides room for the presentation and discussion of current research.