Hydrogen permeation based potentiometry is a recently developed experimental technique to measure electrochemical oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) rates at in-accessible polymer/metal interfaces relevant for corrosion driven coating delamination

Hydrogen permeation based potentiometry is a recently developed experimental technique to measure electrochemical oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) rates at in-accessible polymer/metal interfaces relevant for corrosion driven coating delamination

  • Date: Nov 14, 2023
  • Time: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Dr.-Ing. Vijayshankar Dandapani
  • Dr. -Ing. Vijayshankar Dandapani is an Assistant Professor at the Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science Department, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Bombay. He is an alumnus of the Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH (MPIE), Düsseldorf where he did his PhD work with PD Dr. Michael Rohwerder. His current research is in using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy to characterise hydrogen and stress induced interface changes relevant for corrosion of metals.
  • Location: MPIE, virtual seminar
  • Host: Dr. Patricia Jovičević-Klug
  • Contact: p.jovicevic-klug@mpie.de
Hydrogen permeation based potentiometry is a recently developed experimental technique to measure electrochemical oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) rates at in-accessible polymer/metal interfaces relevant for corrosion driven coating delamination
Hydrogen permeation based potentiometry is a recently developed experimental technique to measure electrochemical oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) rates at in-accessible polymer/metal interfaces relevant for corrosion driven coating delamination. In this talk, the results from combining electrochemical impedance spectroscopy with this technique to correlate interfacial charge transfer resistance during polymer degradation with corresponding current-potential i.e; I(U) curve for ORR kinetics will be shown.
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