Invitation to the Max Planck Day on 11th November 2011
On the occasion of the Max Planck Day on 11th November the Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung will open its gates from 09.00h – 12.00h for interested pupils from senior classes. Pupils can witness the world of material science with live experiments, a 3D-journey into the atomic cosmos and exciting presentations by renowned MPIE scientists. Moreover, interested pupils can get information on possible internships at the MPIE and on studying in the field of Science and Engineering. The entire programme is not only meant to give an insight on the institute’s work but also to show how scientists from all over the world work interdisciplinary to conduct fundamental research.
As the labs in which the experiments will take place can only hold a certain amount of people, we encourage interested schools and classes to enrol timely and thus save a place at the event!