Humboldt Research Awardee Chris G. Van de Walle hosted by CM department
From June 13th to July 18th the department of Computational Materials Design (CM) will host Prof. Chris G. Van de Walle, professor at the Materials Department at the University of Santa Barbara, California. His stay is granted by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Van de Walle won a Humboldt Research Award in 1998 and spent six months at the Fritz-Haber-Institut in Berlin, where he closely collaborated with Jörg Neugebauer, today’s head of the CM department. Eversince the collaboration between Van de Walle and Neugebauer has been very fruitful: joint work in the field of hydrogen semiconductors and insulators or point-defect-calculations have brought forth several highly cited papers (see e.g. “Universal alignment of hydrogen levels in semiconductors, insulators and solutions”, C. G. Van de Walle and J. Neugebauer, Nature 423, 626 (2003); 233 citations). During the five week collaboration at the Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung Van de Walle and Neugebauer are going to extend their work on hydrogen interactions with respect to metals, which is an important issue for e.g. hydrogen embrittlement or hydrogen storage materials.