Publikationen von J. Neugebauer

Konferenzbeitrag (22)

Hickel, T.; Grabowski, B.; Körmann, F.; Neugebauer, J.: Advancing DFT to finite temperatures: Methods and applications in steel design. PSI-k Newsletter 105, S. 22 - 50 (2011)
Freysoldt, C.; Neugebauer, J.; Van de Walle, C. G.: Electrostatic interactions between charged defects in supercells. CECAM Workshop, Lausanne, Switzerland, 08. Juni 2009 - 10. Juni 2009. Physica Status Solidi B 248 (5), S. 1067 - 1076 (2011)
Marquardt, O.; Schulz, S.; O’Reilly, E. P.; Freysoldt, C.; Boeck, S.; Hickel, T.; Neugebauer, J.: A flexible, plane-wave-based formulation of continuum elasticity and multiband k.p models. 11th Intern. Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices, Rome, Italy, 05. September 2011 - 08. September 2011., (2011)
Petrov, M.; Holec, D.; Lymperakis, L.; Neugebauer, J.; Humphreys, C. J.: Strain-induced effects on the electronic structure and N K-edge ELNES of wurtzite AlN and AlxGa1-xN. 17th International Conference on Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials 2011, University of Cambridge, UK, 04. April 2011 - 07. April 2011. Journal of Physics Conference Series 326, S. 012016-1 - 012016-5 (2011)
Sandlöbes, S.; Schestakow, I.; Yi, S. B.; Zaefferer, S.; Chen, J.; Friák, M.; Neugebauer, J.; Raabe, D.: The relation between shear banding, microstructure and mechanical properties in Mg and Mg–Y alloys. 5th International Conference on Light Metals Technology V, Lüneburg, Germany, 19. Juli 2011 - 22. Juli 2011. Materials Science Forum 690, S. 202 - 205 (2011)
Counts, W. A.; Friák, M.; Raabe, D.; Neugebauer, J.: Ab initio determined materials-design limits in ultra light-weight Mg-Li alloys. (2009)
Friák, M.; Deges, J.; Stein, F.; Palm, M.; Frommeyer, G.; Neugebauer, J.: Ab Initio Study of Elastic Properties in Fe3Al-Based Alloys. In: 2008 Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Bd. 1128, S. 59 - 64. Symposium on Advanced Intermetallic-Based Alloys for Extreme Environment and Energy Applications held at the 2008 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, 01. Dezember 2008 - 05. Dezember 2008. (2009)
Friák, M.; Sander, B.; Raabe, D.; Neugebauer, J.: Theory-guided design of Ti-based binaries for human implants. Second Workshop on Theory meets Industry, Erwin-Schrödinger-Institute (ESI), Vienna, Austria, 12. Juni 2007 - 14. Juni 2007. Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter (6), 064221, (2008)
Hickel, T.; Uijttewaal, M.; Grabowski, B.; Neugebauer, J.: Determination of symmetry reduced structures using a soft phonon analysis for magnetic shape memory alloys. Second Workshop on Theory meets Industry, Erwin-Schrödinger-Institute (ESI), Vienna, Austria, 12. Juni 2007 - 14. Juni 2007. Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter (6), 064219, (2008)
Hickel, T.; Uijttewaal, M.; Grabowski, B.; Neugebauer, J.: Determination of symmetry reduced structures by a soft-phonon analysis in Ni2MnGa. MRS Fall Meeting 2007, Boston, MA, USA, 26. November 2007 - 30. November 2007. Magnetic Shape Memory Alloys, (2008)
Nikolov, S.; Sachs, C.; Fabritius, H.; Raabe, D.; Petrov, M.; Friak, M.; Neugebauer, J.; Lymperakis, L.; Ma, D.: Hierarchical modeling of the mechanical properties of lobster cuticle from nano‐ up to macroscale: The influence of the mineral content and the microstructure. In: Proceedings of MMM 2008 "Computational Modeling of biological and soft condensed matter systems", S. 667 - 670. 4th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling, Tallahassee, FL, USA, 27. Oktober 2008 - 31. Oktober 2008. Dep. of Scientific Computing, Florida State University, USA (2008)

Meeting Abstract (2)

Meeting Abstract
Kenmoe, S.; Todorova, M.; Biedermann, P. U.; Neugebauer, J.: Impact of the vapour pressure of water on the equilibrium shape of ZnO nanoparticles: An ab-initio study. In APS March Meeting 2014, abstract #Q2.009. APS March Meeting 2014 , Denver, CO, USA, 03. März 2014 - 07. März 2014. (2014)
Meeting Abstract
Kenmoe, S.; Todorova, M.; Biedermann, P. U.; Neugebauer, J.: Impact of the vapour pressure of water on the equilibrium shape of ZnO nanoparticles: An ab-initio study. In DPG Spring Meeting 2014, Abstract: O50.6. DPG Spring Meeting 2014 , Dresden, Germany, 30. März 2014 - 04. April 2015. (2014)

Vortrag (980)

Dsouza, R.; Huber, L.; Swinburne, T. D.; Neugebauer, J.: Sampling-free thermodynamics in bulk crystalline metals from the mean-field anharmonic bond model. The 11th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling, Prague, Czech Republic (2024)
Todorova, M.; Surendralal, S.; Deißenbeck, F.; Wippermann, S. M.; Neugebauer, J.: Atomic insights into fundamental processes at electrochemical solid/liquid interface by ab initio calculations. 38th Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry: Nanomaterials in Electrochemistry, Manchester, UK (2024)
Todorova, M.; Yang, J.; Surendralal, S.; Deißenbeck, F.; Wippermann, S. M.; Neugebauer, J.: Advancing Electrochemical Insights: Ab Initio Control and Realistic Description of Solid-Liquid Interfaces. 11th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling, Prague, Czech Republic (2024)
Neugebauer, J.; Hickel, T.; Körmann, F.; Todorova, M.: Materials design and discovery in high-dimensional chemical and structural configuration spaces. Psi-k 2020 Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland (2024)
Neugebauer, J.; Yang, J.; Wang, Z.; Wippermann, S. M.; Todorova, M.: Challenges in developing machine learning potentials for fully explicit modeling of solid-liquid electrochemical interfaces. CECAM Workshop "Machine Learning Potentials: From Interfaces to Solution", Ruhr-University-Bochum, Bochum, Germany (2024)
Todorova, M.; Surendralal, S.; Yang, J.; Deißenbeck, F.; Wippermann, S. M.; Neugebauer, J.: Advancing Electrochemical Insights: Ab Initio Control and Realistic Description of Solid-Liquid Interfaces. 75th ISE Annual Meeting, Montreal, CA, USA (2024)
Todorova, M.; Yang, J.; Yoo, S.-H.; Surendralal, S.; Deißenbeck, F.; Wippermann, S. M.; Neugebauer, J.: Insights into stability, reactivity and degradation of electrified solid/liquid interfaces from ab initio calculations. Lorenz Workshop on "Multiscale modeling of electrochemical processes", Leiden, The Netherlands (2024)
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