Publikationen von Chanwon Jung

Zeitschriftenartikel (22)

Gopalan, H.; Rao, J.; Patil, P.; Jung, C.; Kim, S.-H.; Wolff-Goodrich, S.; Wetegrove, M.; Kruth, A.; Scheu, C.; Dehm, G. et al.; Duarte, M. J.: Influence of electrochemical hydrogen charging on the mechanical, diffusional, and interfacial properties of an amorphous alumina coating on Fe‑8 wt% Cr alloy. Journal of Materials Research (2024)
Schwarz, T.; Woods, E.; Singh, M. P.; Jung, C.; Aota, L. S.; Jang, K.; Krämer, M.; Kim, S.-H.; McCaroll, I.; Gault, B.: In-situ metallic coating of atom probe specimen for enhanced yield, performance, and increased field-of-view. Microscopy and Microanalysis, ozae006 (2024)
Brognara, A.; Kashiwar, A.; Jung, C.; Zhang, X.; Ahmadian, A.; Gauquelin, N.; Verbeeck, J.; Djemia, P.; Faurie, D.; Dehm, G. et al.; Idrissi, H.; Best, J. P.; Ghidelli, M.: Tailoring Mechanical Properties and Shear Band Propagation in ZrCu Metallic Glass Nanolaminates Through Chemical Heterogeneities and Interface Density. Small Structures, 2400011 (2024)
Jang , K.; Ko, W.-S.; Son , J.-H.; Jang, J.-I.; Kim, B.; Vega-Paredes, M.; Jang, H.; Allahyari, M.; Kim, S.-H.; Ryou , K. et al.; Chae , D.; Park , H.; Jung, Y. S.; Oh , M.-W.; Jung, C.; Scheu, C.; Choi, P.-P.: Impact of Hierarchical Dopant-Induced Microstructure on Thermoelectric Properties of p-Type Si–Ge Alloys Revealed by Comprehensive Multi-Scale Characterization. Advanced Functional Materials, 2403785 (2024)
Park, H.; Jung, C.; Yi, S.; Choi, P.-P.: Elucidating the ball-milling-induced crystallization mechanism of amorphous NbCo1.1Sn via atomic-scale compositional analysis. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 968, 172014 (2023)
Jung, C.; Jang, K.; Park, H.; Jang, J.; Jang, H.; Kang, B.; Park, K.; Zhang, S.; Bueno Villoro, R.; Park, S. et al.; Ryu, H. J.; Jung, Y. S.; Oh, M.-W.; Scheu, C.; Yi, S.-H.; Choi, P.-P.: Enhanced thermoelectric properties of NbCoSn half-Heuslers through in-situ nanocrystallization of amorphous precursors during the consolidation process. Journal of Materials Science & Technology 165, S. 39 - 48 (2023)
Rivas Rivas, N. A.; Garzón-Manjón, A.; Vega-Paredes, M.; Kim, S.-H.; Gault, B.; Jun, H.; Jung, C.; Berova, V.; Hengge, K.; Jurzinsky, T. et al.; Scheu, C.: Chemistry and microstructure of C-supported Ru catalyst nanoparticles: A correlative study. Ultramicroscopy 254, 113831 (2023)
Park, Y.; Lee, C.; Choi, J.; Kang, P. W.; Scheu, C.; Lee, H. M.; Choi, P.-P.; Jung, C.: The interfaces of Ag-rich and Cu-rich AgCu phases boost oxygen reduction activity. Applied Surface Science 637, 157949 (2023)
Jung, C.; Jeon, S.-j.; Lee, S.; Park, H.; Han, S.; Oh, J.; Yi, S.-H.; Choi, P.-P.: Reduced lattice thermal conductivity through tailoring of the crystallization behavior of NbCoSn by V addition. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 962, 171191 (2023)
Bueno Villoro, R.; Naderloo, R. H.; Mattlat, D. A.; Jung, C.; Nielsch, K.; Scheu, C.; He, R.; Zhang, S.: Composite design of half-Heusler thermoelectrics: Selective doping of grain boundary phases in NbFeSb by InSb. Materials Today Physics 38, 101240 (2023)
Jung, C.; Zhang, S.; Cheng, N.; Scheu, C.; Yi, S.-H.; Choi, P.-P.: Effect of Heat Treatment Temperature on the Crystallization Behavior and Microstructural Evolution of Amorphous NbCo1.1Sn. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 15 (39), S. 46064 - 46073 (2023)
Huang, Z.-Y.; Wang, F.; Jung, C.; Zhang, S.; Zu, F.-Q.; Zhou, C.; Yu, Y.: Decorated dislocations lead to dynamically optimized thermoelectric performance in N-type PbTe. Materials Today Physics 37, 101198 (2023)
Kim, H.; Bobel, A.; Jung, C.; Olson, G. B.; Euh, K.: Strengthening model development and effects of low diffusing solutes to coarsening resistance in aluminum alloys. Materials Today Communications 36, 106636 (2023)
Kim, S.-H.; Shin, K.; Zhou, X.; Jung, C.; Kim, H. Y.; Pedrazzini, S.; Conroy, M.; Henkelman, G.; Gault, B.: Atom probe analysis of BaTiO3 enabled by metallic shielding. Scripta Materialia 229, 115370 (2023)
Aota, L. S.; Jung, C.; Zhang, S.; Kim, S.-H.; Gault, B.: Revealing Compositional Evolution of PdAu Electrocatalyst by Atom Probe Tomography. ACS Energy Letters 8 (6), S. 2824 - 2830 (2023)
Bueno Villoro, R.; Zavanelli, D.; Jung, C.; Mattlat, D. A.; Naderloo, R. H.; Pérez, N. A.; Nielsch, K.; Snyder, G. J.; Scheu, C.; He, R. et al.; Zhang, S.: Grain Boundary Phases in NbFeSb Half-Heusler Alloys: A New Avenue to Tune Transport Properties of Thermoelectric Materials. Advanced Energy Materials 13 (13), 2204321 (2023)
Kim, S.-H.; Jun, H.; Jang, K.; Choi, P.-P.; Gault, B.; Jung, C.: Exploring the Surface Segregation of Rh Dopants in PtNi Nanoparticles through Atom Probe Tomography Analysis. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 127 (46), S. 22721 - 22725 (2023)
Singh, M. P.; Kim, S.-H.; Zhou, X.; Kwak, H.; Kwiatkowski da Silva, A.; Antonov, S.; Aota, L. S.; Jung, C.; Jung, Y. S.; Gault, B.: Near-Atomic-Scale Evolution of the Surface Chemistry in Li[Ni,Mn,Co]O2 Cathode for Li-Ion Batteries Stored in Air. Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research 4 (1), 2200121 (2023)
Singh, M. P.; Woods, E.; Kim, S.-H.; Jung, C.; Aota, L. S.; Gault, B.: Facilitating the Systematic Nanoscale Study of Battery Materials by Atom Probe Tomography through in-situ Metal Coating. Batteries & Supercaps 7 (2), e202300403 (2023)
Yoo, B.; Jung, C.; Ryou, K.; Choi, W. S.; Haußmann, L.; Yang, S.; Boll, T.; Neumeier, S.; Choi, P.-P.: Directed energy deposition of γ/γ' Co–Al–W superalloys. Additive Manufacturing 60, 103287 (2022)

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