Publikationen von Yen-Ting Chen

Zeitschriftenartikel (3)

Evertz, S.; Schnabel, V.; Köhler, M.; Kirchlechner, I.; Kontis, P.; Chen, Y.-T.; Soler, R.; Jaya, B. N.; Kirchlechner, C.; Mušić, D. et al.; Gault, B.; Gault, B.; Schneider, J. M.; Raabe, D.; Dehm, G.: Review on Quantum Mechanically Guided Design of Ultra-Strong Metallic Glasses. Frontiers in Materials 7, 89 (2020)
Rurainsky, C.; Garzón-Manjón, A.; Hiege, F.; Chen, Y.-T.; Scheu, C.; Tschulik, K.: Electrochemical dealloying as a tool to tune the porosity, composition and catalytic activity of nanomaterials. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8 (37), S. 19405 - 19413 (2020)
Löffler, T.; Meyer, H. E.; Savan, A.; Wilde, P.; Garzón-Manjón, A.; Chen, Y.-T.; Ventosa, E. A.; Scheu, C.; Ludwig, A.; Schuhmann, W.: Discovery of a Multinary Noble Metal-Free Oxygen Reduction Catalyst. Advanced Energy Materials, 1802269 (2018)

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