Interdisziplinäre Forschungsschwerpunkte

Publikationen von Thomas Walter Cornelius

Zeitschriftenartikel (3)

Richard, M.-I.; Cornelius, T. W.; Lauraux, F.; Molin, J.-B.; Kirchlechner, C.; Leake, S. J.; Carnis, J.; Schülli, T. U.; Thilly, L.; Thomas, O.: Variable-Wavelength Quick Scanning Nanofocused X-Ray Microscopy for In Situ Strain and Tilt Mapping. Small 16 (6), 1905990 (2020)
Davydok, A.; Cornelius, T. W.; Mocuta, C.; Lima, E. C.; Araújo, E. B.; Thomas, O.: In situ X-ray diffraction studies on the piezoelectric response of PZT thin films. Thin Solid Films 603, S. 29 - 33 (2016)
Vaxelaire, N.; Labat, S.; Cornelius, T. W.; Kirchlechner, C.; Kečkéš, J.; Schulli, T. U.; Thomas, O.: New insights into single-grain mechanical behavior from temperature-dependent 3-D coherent X-ray diffraction. Acta Materialia 78, S. 46 - 55 (2014)
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