Publikationen von Zongrui Pei

Vortrag (10)

Pei, Z.; Friák, M.; Zhu, L.-F.; Sandlöbes, S.; Svendsen, B.; Raabe, D.; Neugebauer, J.: Ab initio stacking fault energy calculations in Mg–Y alloys. DPG Frühjahrstagung, Regensburg, Germany (2013)
Pei, Z.; Zhu, L.-F.; Friák, M.; Sandlöbes, S.; Svendsen, B.; Raabe, D.; Neugebauer, J.: Ab initio study of stacking fault energies in Mg alloys. European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes, Sevilla, Spain (2013)
Sandlöbes, S.; Friák, M.; Dick, A.; Zaefferer, S.; Pei, Z.; Zhu, L.-F.; Sha, G.; Ringer, S.; Neugebauer, J.; Raabe, D.: Combining ab initio calculations and high resolution experiments to improve the understanding of advanced Mg-Y and Mg-RE alloys. 7th Annual Conference of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Design in Light Metals, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (2012)
Roters, F.; Diehl, M.; Eisenlohr, P.; Sandlöbes, S.; Friák, M.; Pei, Z.; Zhu, L.-F.; Neugebauer, J.; Raabe, D.: Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study on the Ductilizing Effect of Rare Earth Elements in Magnesium Alloys. MMM2012, 6th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling, Singapore City, Singapore (2012)
Sandlöbes, S.; Friak, M.; Pei, Z.; Zaefferer, S.; Yi, S.; Neugebauer, J.; Raabe, D.: Joint DFT and TEM study on the ductilizing effect of rare earth elements (RE) on Mg alloys. TMS 2012 Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA (2012)
Sandlöbes, S.; Friák, M.; Dick, A.; Zaefferer, S.; Pei, Z.; Neugebauer, J.; Raabe, D.: The effect of rare earth elements on the mechanical properties of Mg - Theory and experiment. MagNET Workshop 6, Hamilton, ON, Canada (2011)
Sandlöbes, S.; Friák, M.; Dick, A.; Zaefferer, S.; Pei, Z.; Neugebauer, J.; Raabe, D.: Combining ab initio calculations and high-resolution experiments to understand advanced Mg alloys. German-Korean workshop on the “Production and industrial applications of semi-finished Mg products”, Irsee, Germany (2011)

Poster (1)

Sandlöbes, S.; Wang, F.; Friák, M.; Raabe, D.; Pei, Z.; Zhu, L.-F.; Zaefferer, S.; Neugebauer, J.: Design of ductile Mg alloys by combining ab initio and experimental methods. Euromat 2013, Sevilla, Spain (2013)

Lehrmaterial (2)

Friák, M.; Sandlöbes, S.; Pei, Z.; Zhu, L.-F.; Dick, A.; von Pezold, J.; Zaefferer, S.; Yi, S.; Letzig, D.; Sheng, H. W. et al.; Race, C. P.; Svendsen, B.; Raabe, D.; Neugebauer, J.: Combined theoretical and experimental study of ductile Mg alloys. Vorlesung: Mg Workshop, iMdea Materials Institute, Madrid, Spain, 21. Mai 2013 - 24. Mai 2013
Friák, M.; Sandlöbes, S.; Pei, Z.; Zhu, L.-F.; Dick, A.; von Pezold, J.; Zaefferer, S.; Yi, S.; Letzig, D.; Sheng, H. W. et al.; Race, C. P.; Svendsen, B.; Raabe, D.; Neugebauer, J.: Combined theoretical and experimental studies of ductile Mg alloys. Vorlesung: Advanced Materials 2013, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu province, China, 16. Mai 2013 - 19. Mai 2013

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Pei, Z.: Theory-guided combinatorial materials design of ductile Mg-based alloys: employing ab initio and atomistic methods. Dissertation, RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany (2015)
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