Grenzflächenchemie und Oberflächentechnik

Publikationen von Diana Carolina Galeano Nuñez

Zeitschriftenartikel (8)

Baldizzone, C.; Mezzavilla, S.; Carvalho, H. W. P.; Meier, J. C.; Schuppert, A. K.; Heggen, M.; Galeano Nuñez, D. C.; Grunwaldt, J.-D.; Schüth, F.; Mayrhofer, K. J. J.: Confined-space alloying of nanoparticles for the synthesis of efficient PtNi fuel-cell catalysts. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 53 (51), S. 14250 - 14254 (2014)
Baldizzone, C.; Mezzavilla, S.; Carvalho, H. W. P.; Meier, J. C.; Schuppert, A. K.; Heggen, M.; Galeano Nuñez, D. C.; Grunwaldt, J.-D.; Schüth, F.; Mayrhofer, K. J. J.: Legieren von Nanopartikeln im begrenzten Raum: Synthese eines aktiven und stabilen PtNi-Brennstoffzellenkatalysators. Angewandte Chemie 126 (51), S. 14474 - 14479 (2014)
Meier, J. C.; Galeano Nuñez, D. C.; Katsounaros, I.; Witte, J.; Bongard, H.-J.; Topalov, A. A.; Baldizzone, C.; Mezzavilla, S.; Schüth, F.; Mayrhofer, K. J. J.: Design criteria for stable Pt/C fuel cell catalysts. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 5 (1), S. 44 - 67 (2014)
Galeano Nuñez, D. C.; Baldizzone, C.; Bongard, H.-J.; Spliethoff, B.; Weidenthaler, C.; Meier, J. C.; Mayrhofer, K. J. J.; Schüth, F.: Carbon-based yolk-shell materials for fuel cell applications. Advanced Functional Materials 24 (2), S. 220 - 232 (2014)
Galeano Nuñez, D. C.; Meier, J. C.; Soorholtz, M.; Bongard, H.-J.; Baldizzone, C.; Mayrhofer, K. J. J.; Schüth, F.: Nitrogen-doped hollow carbon spheres as a support for platinum-based electrocatalysts. ACS Catalysis 4 (11), S. 3856 - 3868 (2014)
Galeano Nuñez, D. C.; Meier, J. C.; Peinecke, V.; Bongard, H.-J.; Katsounaros, I.; Topalov, A. A.; Lu, A.; Mayrhofer, K. J. J.; Schüth, F.: Toward highly stable electrocatalysts via nanoparticle pore confinement. Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (50), S. 20457 - 20465 (2012)
Meier, J. C.; Galeano Nuñez, D. C.; Katsounaros, I.; Topalov, A. A.; Kostka, A.; Schüth, F.; Mayrhofer, K. J. J.: Degradation Mechanisms of Pt/C Fuel Cell Catalysts under Simulated Start−Stop Conditions. ACS Catalysis 2 (5), S. 832 - 843 (2012)
Meier, J. C.; Katsounaros, I.; Galeano Nuñez, D. C.; Bongard, H.-J.; Topalov, A. A.; Kostka, A.; Karschin, A.; Schüth, F.; Mayrhofer, K. J. J.: Stability investigations of electrocatalysts on the nanoscale. Energy & Environmental Science 5 (11), S. 9319 - 9330 (2012)
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