Grenzflächenchemie und Oberflächentechnik

Publikationen von Iliana B. Timokhina

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Huang, Q.; Yao, M.; Timokhina, I. B.; Schimpf, C.; Biermann, H.; Volkova, O.; De Cooman, B. C.; Mola, J.: Tempering Reactions and Elemental Redistribution During Tempering of Martensitic Stainless Steels. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 50 (8), S. 3663 - 3673 (2019)
Timokhina, I. B.; Liss, K.-D.; Raabe, D.; Rakha, K.; Beladi, H.; Xiong, X.; Hodgson, P. D.: Growth of bainitic ferrite and carbon partitioning during the early stages of bainite transformation in a 2 mass silicon steel studied by in situ neutron diffraction, TEM and APT. Journal of Applied Crystallography 49, S. 399 - 414 (2016)
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