Grenzflächenchemie und Oberflächentechnik

Publikationen von Zhengyan Zhang

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Wang, Z.; Zhang, H.; Guo, C.; Leng, Z.; Yang, Z.; Sun, X.; Yao, C.; Zhang, Z.; Jiang, F.: Evolution of (Ti, Mo)C particles in austenite of a Ti–Mo-bearing steel. Materials and Design 109, S. 361 - 366 (2016)
Wang, Z.; Zhang, H.; Guo, C.; Liu, W.; Yang, Z.; Sun, X.; Zhang, Z.; Jiang, F.: Effect of molybdenum addition on the precipitation of carbides in the austenite matrix of titanium micro-alloyed steels. Journal of Materials Science 51 (10), S. 4996 - 5007 (2016)
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