Grenzflächenchemie und Oberflächentechnik

Publikationen von Kenichi Takai

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Koyama, M.; Ogawa, T.; Yan, D.; Matsumoto, Y.; Tasan, C. C.; Takai, K.; Tsuzaki, K.: Hydrogen desorption and cracking associated with martensitic transformation in Fe–Cr–Ni-Based austenitic steels with different carbon contents. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42 (42), S. 26423 - 26435 (2017)
Koyama, M.; Rohwerder, M.; Tasan, C. C.; Bashir, A.; Akiyama, E.; Takai, K.; Raabe, D.; Tsuzaki, K.: Recent progress in microstructural hydrogen mapping in steels: quantification, kinetic analysis, and multi-scale characterisation. Materials Science and Technology 33 (13), S. 1481 - 1496 (2017)
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