Copyright Frank Vinken

Publikationen von Ningyan Cheng

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Evertz, S.; Nicolin, N.; Cheng, N.; Primetzhofer, D.; Best, J. P.; Dehm, G.: Phase formation and electrical properties of reactively sputtered Fe1−xO thin films. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 57, 065302 (2024)
Jung, C.; Zhang, S.; Cheng, N.; Scheu, C.; Yi, S.-H.; Choi, P.-P.: Effect of Heat Treatment Temperature on the Crystallization Behavior and Microstructural Evolution of Amorphous NbCo1.1Sn. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 15 (39), S. 46064 - 46073 (2023)
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