Copyright Frank Vinken

Publikationen von Philomela Komninou

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Vasileiadis, I. G.; Lymperakis, L.; Adikimenakis, A.; Gkotinakos, A.; Devulapalli, V.; Liebscher, C.; Androulidaki, M.; Hübner, R.; Karakostas, T.; Georgakilas, A. I. et al.; Komninou, P.; Dimakis, E.; Dimitrakopulos, G. P.: Substitutional synthesis of sub-nanometer InGaN/GaN quantum wells with high indium content. Scientific Reports 11 (1), 20606 (2021)
Kioseoglou, J.; Kalesaki, E.; Lymperakis, L.; Karakostas, T. H.; Komninou, P.: Atomic scale morphology, growth behaviour and electronic properties of semipolar {101̄3} GaN surfaces. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25 (4), 045008 (2013)
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