Copyright Frank Vinken

Publikationen von Gang Sha

Zeitschriftenartikel (3)

Zhang, X.; Jin, S.; Yang, C.; Zhou, D.; Sha, G.; Zhang, D.: Enhanced tensile properties in a Cu–Al2O3 alloy via trace Ti addition. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 862, 158687 (2021)
Luo, H.; Yu, Q.; Dong, C.; Sha, G.; Liu, Z.; Liang, J.; Wang, L.; Han, G.; Li, X.: Influence of the aging time on the microstructure and electrochemical behaviour of a 15-5PH ultra-high strength stainless steel. Corrosion Science 139, S. 185 - 196 (2018)
Marceau, R. K. W.; de Vaucorbeil, A.; Sha, G.; Ringer, S. P.; Poole, W. J.: Analysis of strengthening in AA6111 during the early stages of aging: Atom probe tomography and yield stress modelling. Acta Materialia 61 (19), S. 7285 - 7303 (2013)
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