Publikationen von Benedikt Distl

Vortrag (12)

Distl, B.; Palm, M.; Stein, F.: Phase equilibria in ternary Ti–Al–Nb alloys. Virtual MRS Spring/Fall Meeting & Exhibition, Boston, MA, USA (2020)
Distl, B.; Kahrobaee, Z.; Palm, M.; Stein, F.: ADVANCE – New Experimental Data on Ti–Al–X (X = Nb, Mo, W, Zr, Si, B, C, O) Systems to Develop an Improved CALPHAD Database for Next Generation Ti–Al Alloys. French-German Workshop of the DGM Fachausschuss Thermodynamik, Kinetik und Konstitution der Werkstoffe, ICMPE-CNRS-Paris Est, Thiais, France (2019)
Palm, M.; Distl, B.; Kahrobaee, Z.; Stein, F.; Mayer, S.; Hauschildt, K.; Rackel, M.; Pyczak, F.; Yang, Y.; Chen, H.-L. et al.; Engström, A.: ADVANCE - Advancing a CALPHAD Database for Next Generation TiAl Alloys. 65th Metal Research Colloquium organized by the Department for Metal Research and Materials Testing of the University Leoben, Lech am Arlberg, Austria (2019)

Poster (2)

Rashkova, B.; Mendez Martin, F.; Brabetz, M.; Distl, B.; Hauschildt, K.; Stein, F.; Clemens, H.: Phase Constitution in an Intermetallic Ti-37Al-10Nb Alloy: What We Can Learn about the Phase Equilibria? MC2021, Microscopy conference 2021, ePoster, online (2021)
Distl, B.; Palm, M.; Stein, F.; Rackel, M. W.; Hauschildt, K.; Pyczak, F.: Phase equilibria investigations in the ternary Ti–Al–Nb system at elevated temperatures. Intermetallics 2019, Bad Staffelstein, Germany (2019)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Distl, B.: Phase equilibria and phase transformations of Ti–Al–X (X=Nb, Mo, W) alloys for high-temperature structural applications between 700 and 1300 °C. Dissertation, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Fakultät für Maschinenbau, Germany (2022)
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