Assistant Professor Dr. Surendra Kumar Makineni

Externer Forschungsgruppenleiter
Abteilung Mikrostrukturphysik und Legierungsdesign
+91 80 2293 3706


(only in English)

  • Creep deformation behavior of Superalloys and Magnesium based alloys
  • Design of high temperature Al-based alloys
  • Environmental degradation of Superalloys at high temperatures


(only in English)

Research Experience

2021-2026: Head of the Max Planck Society – Indian Institute of Science Partner Group

2020 – present: Assistant Professor, IISc Bangalore, India

2017-2019: Alexander Von Humboldt Fellow, Atom Probe Tomography Group, MPIE, Germany

2016-17: Postdoctoral Researcher, Atom Probe Tomography Group, MPIE, Germany

2015-16: Visiting Research Scientist, Materials Science and Engineering, University of Michigan, USA.

2010-15: Ph.D. Research Scholar, Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, India.

2003-2007: B.Tech, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, National Institute of Technology Rourkela (NITR), India

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