
  • Materialanalytik 
  • Materialien für Energie
  • Anwendungen von Synchrotron- und Neutronenstrahlung in der Materialwissenschaft
  • Abbau von Materialien
  • Biomaterialien für biomedizinische Anwendungen
  • Bioinspirierte Materialien und Beschichtungen
  • Geochemie mit Isotopenanalyse
  • Nachhaltige Wiederaufbereitung und Recycling von Rohstoffen
  • Umweltsanierung
  • Nanowissenschaft
  • Kryotechnik
  • Materialwissenschaft
  • Statistiken
  • Oberflächenanalysen und Spektroskopie
  • AFM-Mikroskopie (C-AFM, MFM, EFM, SKPFM, Strom-AFM, Piezoelektrizität)
  • Extraterrestrische Materialien (Meteorite und Paläomagnetik)
  • Vita


    Seit 2024: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions PostDoc Fellow

    Seit 2024: Gruppenleiterin für Surface Science for Future Materials (Akronym SURFACEs)

    2023-2024: Alexander von Humboldt PostDoc Fellow


    2018-2022 PhD in Nanowissenschaften und Nanotechnologien, Jozef Stefan International Postgraduate School, Ljubljana, Slowenien.

    2016-2018 MSc in Nachhaltigkeit, Gesellschaft und Umwelt, Universität Kiel, Deutschland

    2013-2015 MSc in Marine Geowissenschaften, Universität Kiel und GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, Deutschland

    2010-2013 BSc in Geologie, Universität von Ljubljana, Slowenien


    2024-2026 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Award PostDoc Fellow

    2023-2024 Alexander von Humboldt Award PostDoc Fellow

    2023 Award for Distinguished Women in Cryogenics and Superconductivity

    2023 Award Women Engineers You Should Know

    2023 Editor´s Choice Award for Publication

    2018-2022 ARRS Scholarship Young Researcher MPIE-PostDoc-Freiwilligenarbeit 2023-

    2018-2022 ARRS Scholarship Young Researcher


    2024-present: Member of MSCA Working Groups: 

    • Policy (achieving impact on policy)
    • Sustainability (foster sustainable initiatives, actions, and measures)
    • Bridging Science and Business (promoting the need to bridge science and industry)
    • Genders, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (GEDI)

    2024 - 2025: Group Leader of Diversity and Equality PostDos Working Group

    2024 - 2025: Member of the Presidential Commission on Equal Opportunities MPG

    2023 - 2024: Externer PostDoc-Vertreter

    2023- 2024: GO-Abteilung PostDoc-Vertreter


    Ich arbeite mit folgenden nationalen und internationalen Unternehmen zusammen.

    National partners:

      • Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
      • University of Kiel, Germany
      • kiutra, Germany
      • Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
      • Tehnische Hochschule Georg Agricola, Germany
      • Zollverein - UNESCO, Germany
      • Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany

        International partners:

        • Synchrotron Elettra and FERMI, Italy
        • Budapest Neutron Centre, Hungary
        • Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Switzerland
        • Nanocenter, Slovenia
        • Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
        • National Instiute of Chemistry, Slovenia
        • Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO), Australia
        • University of Sydney, Australia
        • Senai FIEMG, Brazil
        • National Research Council of Italy (CNR)
        • InnoRenew CoE, Slovenia


      "One’s scientific soul (essence) is not determined by their scientific field nor their research interest, but by their capability to connect different aspects and views into a combined harmony of scientific results and ideas," this is my main motivation and state-of-mind that have driven me to become a STEMinist and researcher. My passion is to find out the truth, which is out there to be found. 

      CryoFusion project (No 101105684) 

      With progress and development of society, the necessity of a more affordable, reliable and sustainable energy is crucial to stability and prosperity of ever-growing population. For this reason, fusion power is being researched and developed to obtain high amounts of stable and greener energy compared to conventionally fossil fuel-based and fission processes. Materials, which are being tested as possible candidates for fusion reactor components, are mainly based on the previous selections designated for fission nuclear power. However, their implementation is not easily transmittable and has been proven to be considerably challenging. Consequently, there is a high interest towards research of new development and processing (such as heat treatment) of selected materials applicable for fusion as well as materials that were not previously considered. The proposal suggests to conduct fundamental research on selected material (proposed alternative AISI 431) and its treatment, which has the potential to be used as material for fusion reactor components. The project tends to provide base understanding on how deep cryogenic treatment (DCT) improves materials’ properties for fusion applications through their microstructural tailoring. Focus is placed on the role of modified microstructure as well as nano-chemistry on the corrosion resistance, which is up to now only superficially explored. Due to the unique influence of DCT on microstructure, the process can provide a novel greener way of material treatment that is both highly effective as well as economically feasible. The proposal challenges promising alternative material for fusion and aims to show how DCT can effectively improve microstructure, corrosion and surface resistance of selected material. Furthermore, the project will also develop new fundamental knowledge of DCT effect on metallic materials in order to provide future possibilities and treatment combinations for materials used in fusion.

      This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101105684 (CryoFusion).

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