Publications of Christoph Kirchlechner

Journal Article (122)

Journal Article
Jentner, R.; Scholl, S.; Srivastava, K.; Best, J. P.; Kirchlechner, C.; Dehm, G.: Local strength of bainitic and ferritic HSLA steel constituents understood using correlative electron microscopy and microcompression testing. Materials & Design 236, 112507 (2023)
Journal Article
Jentner, R.; Tsai, S.-P.; Welle, A.; Scholl, S.; Srivastava, K.; Best, J. P.; Kirchlechner, C.; Dehm, G.: Automated classification of granular bainite and polygonal ferrite by electron backscatter diffraction verified through local structural and mechanical analyses. Journal of Materials Research 38, pp. 4177 - 4191 (2023)
Journal Article
Gallardo-Basile, F.-J.; Roters, F.; Jentner, R.; Best, J. P.; Kirchlechner, C.; Srivastava, K.; Scholl, S.; Diehl, M.: Application of a nanoindentation-based approach for parameter identification to a crystal plasticity model for bcc metals. Materials Science and Engineering A 881, 145373 (2023)
Journal Article
Hosseinabadi, R.; Brognara, A.; Kirchlechner, C.; Best, J. P.: The role of incoherent twin boundaries on the plasticity of Cu micropillars. Materials & Design 232, 112812 (2023)
Journal Article
Jentner, R.; Srivastava, K.; Scholl, S.; Gallardo-Basile, F.-J.; Best, J. P.; Kirchlechner, C.; Dehm, G.: Unsupervised clustering of nanoindentation data for microstructural reconstruction: Challenges in phase discrimination. Materialia 28, 101750 (2023)
Journal Article
Khanchandani, H.; Rolli, R.; Schneider, H.-C.; Kirchlechner, C.; Gault, B.: Hydrogen embrittlement of twinning-induced plasticity steels: Contribution of segregation to twin boundaries. Scripta Materialia 225, 115187 (2023)
Journal Article
Kaiser, T.; Dehm, G.; Kirchlechner, C.; Menzel, A.; Bishara, H.: Probing porosity in metals by electrical conductivity: Nanoscale experiments and multiscale simulations. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solid 97, 104777 (2023)
Journal Article
Gopalan, H.; Marshal, A.; Hans, M.; Primetzhofer, D.; Cautaerts, N.; Breitbach, B.; Völker, B.; Kirchlechner, C.; Schneider, J. M.; Dehm, G.: On the interplay between microstructure, residual stress and fracture toughness of (Hf–Nb–Ta–Zr)C multi-metal carbide hard coatings. Materials & Design 224, 111323 (2022)
Journal Article
Hosseinabadi, R.; Riesch-Oppermann, H.; Best, J. P.; Dehm, G.; Kirchlechner, C.: Size scaling in bi-crystalline Cu micropillars containing a coherent twin boundary. Acta Materialia 230, 117841 (2022)
Journal Article
Mishra, A. K.; Gopalan, H.; Hans, M.; Kirchlechner, C.; Schneider, J. M.; Dehm, G.; Jaya, B. N.: Strategies for damage tolerance enhancement in metal/ceramic thin films: Lessons learned from Ti/TiN. Acta Materialia 228, 117777 (2022)
Journal Article
Peter, N. J.; Duarte, M. J.; Kirchlechner, C.; Liebscher, C.; Dehm, G.: Faceting diagram for Ag segregation induced nanofaceting at an asymmetric Cu tilt grain boundary. Acta Materialia 214, 116960 (2021)
Journal Article
Völker, B.; Stelzer, B.; Mráz, S.; Rueß, H.; Sahu, R.; Kirchlechner, C.; Dehm, G.; Schneider, J. M.: On the fracture behavior of Cr2AlC coatings. Materials and Design 206, 109757 (2021)
Journal Article
Li, J.; Pharr, G. M.; Kirchlechner, C.: Quantitative insights into the dislocation source behavior of twin boundaries suggest a new dislocation source mechanism. Journal of Materials Research 36 (10), pp. 2037 - 2046 (2021)
Journal Article
Tian, C.; Dehm, G.; Kirchlechner, C.: Influence of strain rate on the activation of {110}, {112}, {123} slip in ferrite of DP800. Materialia 15, 100983 (2021)
Journal Article
Tian, C.; Kirchlechner, C.: The fracture toughness of martensite islands in dual-phase DP800 steel. Journal of Materials Research 36, pp. 2495 - 2504 (2021)
Journal Article
Seok, M.-Y.; Gopalan, H.; Nandy, S.; Zaefferer, S.; Raabe, D.; Kirchlechner, C.; Dehm, G.: Microscale plastic anisotropy of basal and pyramidal I slip in pure magnesium tested in shear. Materialia 14, 100932 (2020)
Journal Article
Kusche, C.; Dunlap, A.; Pütz, F.; Tian, C.; Kirchlechner, C.; Aretz, A.; Schwedt, A.; Al-Samman, T.; Münstermann, S.; Korte-Kerzel, S.: Efficient characterization tools for deformation-induced damage at different scales. Production Engineering 14, pp. 95 - 104 (2020)
Journal Article
Kini, M. K.; Merola, C.; Breitbach, B.; Klapproth, D.; Philippi, B.; Molin, J.-B.; Kirchlechner, C.; Dehm, G.: Dislocation plasticity and detwinning under thermal stresses in nanotwinned Ag thin films. Acta Materialia 198, pp. 61 - 71 (2020)
Journal Article
Ko, W.-S.; Stukowski, A.; Hadian, R.; Nematollahi, G. A.; Jeon, J. B.; Choi, W. S.; Dehm, G.; Neugebauer, J.; Kirchlechner, C.; Grabowski, B.: Atomistic deformation behavior of single and twin crystalline Cu nanopillars with preexisting dislocations. Acta Materialia 197, pp. 54 - 68 (2020)
Journal Article
Mathews, N. G.; Saxena, A. K.; Kirchlechner, C.; Dehm, G.; Jaya, B. N.: Effect of size and domain orientation on strength of Barium Titanate. Scripta Materialia 182, pp. 68 - 73 (2020)
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