©  G. Geelen, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH

Publikationen von Sonja Matich

Zeitschriftenartikel (3)

Wisnet, A.; Betzler, S. B.; Zucker, R.; Dorman, J. A.; Wagatha, P.; Matich, S.; Okunishi, E.; Schmidt-Mende, L.; Scheu, C.: Model for hydrothermal growth of rutile wires and the associated development of defect structures. Crystal Growth & Design 14 (9), S. 4658 - 4663 (2014)
Hoffmann, R.; Wochnik, A. S.; Heinzl, C.; Betzler, S. B.; Matich, S.; Griesshaber, E.; Schulz, H.; Kučera, M.; Young, J. R.; Scheu, C. et al.; Schmahl, W. W.: Nanoprobe crystallographic orientation studies of isolated shield elements of the coccolithophore species Emiliania huxleyi. European Journal of Mineralogy 26 (4), S. 473 - 483 (2014)
Hoffmann, R.; Wochnik, A. S.; Betzler, S. B.; Matich, S.; Griesshaber, E.; Schmahl, W. W.; Scheu, C.: TEM preparation methods and influence of radiation damage on the beam sensitive CaCO3 shell of Emiliania huxleyi. Micron 62, S. 28 - 36 (2014)
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