Computergestütztes Materialdesign

Publikationen von Carl Kusche

Zeitschriftenartikel (1)

Kusche, C.; Dunlap, A.; Pütz, F.; Tian, C.; Kirchlechner, C.; Aretz, A.; Schwedt, A.; Al-Samman, T.; Münstermann, S.; Korte-Kerzel, S.: Efficient characterization tools for deformation-induced damage at different scales. Production Engineering 14, S. 95 - 104 (2020)

Vortrag (1)

Diehl, M.; Kusampudi, N.; Kusche, C.; Raabe, D.; Korte-Kerzel, S.: Combining Experiments, Simulations, and Data Science to Understand Damage in Dual Phase Steels. International Conference on Plasticity, Damage, and Fracture, Riviera May, Mexico (2020)
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