Computergestütztes Materialdesign

Publikationen von Wenjiang Ding

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Liu, C.; Shanthraj, P.; Robson, J. D.; Diehl, M.; Dong, S.; Dong, J.; Ding, W.; Raabe, D.: On the interaction of precipitates and tensile twins in magnesium alloys. Acta Materialia 178, S. 146 - 162 (2019)
Liu, C.; Shanthraj, P.; Diehl, M.; Roters, F.; Dong, S.; Dong, J.; Ding, W.; Raabe, D.: An integrated crystal plasticity–phase field model for spatially resolved twin nucleation, propagation, and growth in hexagonal materials. International Journal of Plasticity 106, S. 203 - 227 (2018)
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