Publications of Se-Ho Kim

Journal Article (37)

Journal Article
Yoo, S.-H.; Kim, S.-H.; Woods, E.; Gault, B.; Todorova, M.; Neugebauer, J.: Origins of the hydrogen signal in atom probe tomography: case studies of alkali and noble metals. New Journal of Physics 24, 013008 (2022)
Journal Article
Kim, S.-H.; Yoo, S.-H.; Chakraborty, P.; Jeong, J.; Lim, J.; El-Zoka, A.; Zhou, X.; Stephenson, L.; Hickel, T.; Neugebauer, J. et al.; Scheu, C.; Todorova, M.; Gault, B.: Understanding Alkali Contamination in Colloidal Nanomaterials to Unlock Grain Boundary Impurity Engineering. Journal of the American Chemical Society 144 (2), pp. 987 - 994 (2022)
Journal Article
Johny, J.; Prymak, O.; Kamp, M.; Calvo, F.; Kim, S.-H.; Tymoczko, A.; El-Zoka, A.; Rehbock, C.; Schürmann, U.; Gault, B. et al.; Kienle, L.; Barcikowski, S.: Multidimensional thermally-induced transformation of nest-structured complex Au–Fe nanoalloys towards equilibrium. Nano Research 15, pp. 581 - 592 (2022)
Journal Article
Jung, C.; Jun, H.; Jang, K.; Kim, S.-H.; Choi, P.-P.: Tracking the Mn Diffusion in the Carbon-Supported Nanoparticles Through the Collaborative Analysis of Atom Probe and Evaporation Simulation. Microscopy and Microanalysis 28 (6), pp. 1841 - 1850 (2022)
Journal Article
Kim, S.-H.; Antonov, S.; Zhou, X.; Stephenson, L.; Jung, C.; El-Zoka, A.; Schreiber, D. K.; Conroy, M.; Gault, B.: Atom probe analysis of electrode materials for Li-ion batteries: challenges and ways forward. Journal of Materials Chemistry A (2022)
Journal Article
Kim, S.-H.; Dong, K.; Zhao, H.; El-Zoka, A.; Zhou, X.; Woods, E.; Giuliani, F.; Manke, I.; Raabe, D.; Gault, B.: Understanding the Degradation of a Model Si Anode in a Li-Ion Battery at the Atomic Scale. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 13 (36), pp. 8416 - 8421 (2022)
Journal Article
Kim, S.-H.; Yoo, S.-H.; Shin, S.; El-Zoka, A.; Kasian, O.; Lim, J.; Jeong, J.; Scheu, C.; Neugebauer, J.; Lee, H. et al.; Todorova, M.; Gault, B.: Controlled Doping of Electrocatalysts through Engineering Impurities. Advanced Materials, 2203030 (2022)
Journal Article
Stender, P.; Gault, B.; Schwarz, T. M.; Woods, E.; Kim, S.-H.; Ott, J.; Stephenson, L.; Schmitz , G.; Freysoldt, C.; Kästner, J. et al.; El-Zoka, A.: Status and Direction of Atom Probe Analysis of Frozen Liquids. Microscopy and Microanalysis, pp. 1 - 18 (2022)
Journal Article
Jang, K.; Kim, S.-H.; Jun, H.; Jung, C.; Yu, J.; Lee, S.; Choi, P.-P.: Three-dimensional atomic mapping of ligands on palladium nanoparticles by atom probe tomography. Nature Communications 12 (1), 4301 (2021)
Journal Article
Kim, S.-H.; Zhang, X.; Ma, Y.; Souza Filho, I. R.; Schweinar, K.; Angenendt, K.; Vogel, D.; Stephenson, L.; El-Zoka, A.; Mianroodi, J. R. et al.; Rohwerder, M.; Gault, B.; Raabe, D.: Influence of Microstructure and Atomic-Scale Chemistry on Iron Ore Reduction with Hydrogen at 700°C. Acta Materialia 212, 116933 (2021)
Journal Article
Jang, K.; Kim, S.-H.; Jun, H.; Jung, C.; Yu, J.; Lee, S.; Choi, P.-P.: Publisher Correction: Three-dimensional atomic mapping of ligands on palladium nanoparticles by atom probe tomography (Nature Communications, (2021), 12, 1, (4301), 10.1038/s41467-021-24620-9). Nature Communications 12 (1), 5521 (2021)
Journal Article
Kim, S.-H.; El-Zoka, A.; Gault, B.: A Liquid Metal Encapsulation for Analyzing Porous Nanomaterials by Atom Probe Tomography. Microscopy and Microanalysis, pp. 1 - 9 (2021)
Journal Article
El-Zoka, A.; Kim, S.-H.; Deville, S.; Newman, R. C.; Stephenson, L.; Gault, B.: Enabling near-atomic–scale analysis of frozen water. Science Advances 6 (49), eabd6324 (2020)
Journal Article
Nadarajah, R.; Tahir, S.; Landers, J.; Koch, D.; Semisalova, A. S.; Wiemeler, J.; El-Zoka, A.; Kim, S.-H.; Utzat, D.; Möller, R. et al.; Gault, B.; Wende, H.; Farle, M.; Gökce, B.: Controlling the Oxidation of Magnetic and Electrically Conductive Solid-Solution Iron-Rhodium Nanoparticles Synthesized by Laser Ablation in Liquids. Nanomaterials 10 (12), 2362 (2020)
Journal Article
Zhang, S.; Ahmet, I.; Kim, S.-H.; Kasian, O.; Mingers, A. M.; Schnell, P.; Kölbach, M.; Lim, J.; Fischer, A.; Mayrhofer, K. J. J. et al.; Cherevko, S.; Gault, B.; van de Krol, R.; Scheu, C.: Different Photostability of BiVO4 in Near-pH-Neutral Electrolytes. ACS Applied Energy Materials 3 (10), pp. 9523 - 9527 (2020)
Journal Article
Lim, J.; Kim, S.-H.; Aymerich Armengol, R.; Kasian, O.; Choi, P.-P.; Stephenson, L.; Gault, B.; Scheu, C.: Atomic‐Scale Mapping of Impurities in Partially Reduced Hollow TiO2 Nanowires. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 59 (14), pp. 5651 - 5655 (2020)
Journal Article
Kim, S.-H.; Lim, J.; Sahu, R.; Kasian, O.; Stephenson, L.; Scheu, C.; Gault, B.: Direct Imaging of Dopant and Impurity Distributions in 2D MoS2. Advanced Materials 32 (8), 1907235 (2020)

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
El-Zoka, A.; Kim, S.-H.; Khanchandani, H.; Stephenson, L.; Gault, B.: Advances in Cryo-Atom Probe Tomography Studies on Formation of Nanoporous Metals by Dealloying (Digital Presentation). In ECS Meeting Abstracts, MA2022-01 (47), p. 1983. The Electrochemical Society (2022)

Talk (16)

Krämer, M.; Favelukis, B.; El-Zoka, A.; Sokol, M.; A. Rosen, B.; Eliaz, N.; Kim, S.-H.; Gault, B.: Compositional mapping of 2D MXenes at the near-atomic-scale by atom probe tomography. EUROMXENE Congress 2024, Valencia, Spain (2024)
Aota, L. S.; Jung, C.; Zhang, S.; Büyükuslu, Ö.; Singh, M. P.; Chen, X.; Woods, E.; Scheu, C.; Kim, S.-H.; Raabe, D. et al.; Gault, B.: Grain boundary-controlled lithiation of Li-solid solution systems for lithium metal batteries. International Operando Battery Days, Grenoble, France (2024)
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